Homework Clubs
Our primary goal in 2024-2025 is to help students succeed and build their confidence in learning. If your child struggles in literacy and/or math, then spending extra time before or after school might help.
It’s time to ask:
- Is your Grade 7 & 8 teacher hosting a Homework Club this year?
- Is the student success department in your high school offering math or literacy help during lunch or after school?
Waterloo Catholic Elementary School Homework Clubs for Grades 7 and 8 students are offered FREE. Teachers will help with reading, writing, comprehension, math, computational and organizational skills, or a space to complete assignments before or after school.
- Is your child in Grade 9 or 10?
Waterloo Catholic Secondary Schools participate either in weekly “Homework Clubs” or OSSLT / EQAO test prep. Ask your Student Success Department. Get FREE after school support for any Catholic Secondary School student taking a Grade 9 or 10 course.

Catholic Elementary Schools may offer a before or after school literacy and numeracy support for Grades 7 and 8 students. Note: Not all schools have the capacity to participate. Teachers may not be available after school or there are not enough Grade 7 & 8 students able to come before school or stay after school.
Please ask your classroom teacher or school Principal if a homework club is offered. If they don’t offer a homework club, tell them you would like to see one.
If your child attends a public elementary, senior public or private school in the region, they would NOT be able to attend homework club at a Catholic Elementary School. Alternatively, we DO offer Summer Expedition for Grades 6, 7 & 8 (July 2025). This program is open to ANY student attending a publicly funded school in Waterloo Region and the program must be recommended by their teacher / school principal.