Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR)

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process that helps mature students obtain recognition for learning outside of formal education settings.  PLAR focuses on what adults already know and what they can do. For example, have you lived on your own and managed your own money, do you have children, have you worked or volunteered and learned new skills.  These elements are just a handful of the situations we evaluate to determine how that life experience may be attached to secondary school credits. At St. Louis, we can help you obtain recognition for this life and work experience.

Who is Eligible?

PLAR is available to mature students who entered an Ontario high school after 1999, or would like to graduate under the current Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) requirements.

Are you:

  • At least 18 years old on or before December 31 of this school year?
  • Enrolled in a Secondary School Credit program for the purpose of obtaining an OSSD
  • Out of high school for at least 10 months before returning as an adult
  • New to the Ontario Secondary School system, as of February 1, 2004 AND working toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). (Students who have studied out of province or out of country would also qualify under this criteria)

You may earn up to 26 secondary school credits using PLAR for Mature students.  The last 4 credits MUST be earned via any combination of our day class, correspondence, online, language credit, skills training or Credits@Work options.  {Note: Credits offered in Skills Training programs are elective credits only} Please complete a  Guidance Intake Form (Monday-Thursday) to arrange to speak to a counsellor and to pick up a PLAR application.