Enrolled in Waterloo Catholic Secondary School
Who may register for HeadStart?
Grade 8 students who are coming from any public school system including the WCDSB, any private school, homeschooled or have recently moved / will move to the Region AND are enrolled in a Waterloo Catholic Secondary School.
Registration OPENS after March Break –> Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
CLOSES June 18, 2025. (while space is available).
Students and Teachers: Please do not complete the registration forms for yourself or your students. Registration requires parent permission and therefore they should complete the registration form and use their email address as the point of contact.
Attend All Four Days
Commitment to attend ALL four days of HeadStart ensures optimal learning, the greatest benefit and the least disruption within the limited hours the program is running. If students cannot attend at all for whatever reason, please let us know in advance if you can.
Important Notes
- This program is voluntary and therefore is not part of the registration process for entering Grade 9 at our WCDSB Catholic Secondary Schools (CSS). Only students registered at a CSS will be accepted into the HeadStart program.
- Parent Permission is required for students to participate in this program. Only Parents should register their Grade 8 child for HeadStart.
- Students should NOT be registering themselves for HeadStart
- Transportation to and from school is NOT provided for HeadStart
- If your child decides to enrol in a different high school or in another system, please notify BOTH the school AND stlouis@wcdsb.ca
(*Program changes may occur due to unforeseen circumstances or programming needs.)