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So far stlouisadmin2 has created 14 blog entries.

Mastering Your Money

Mastering Your Money

We are happy to welcome Fred Masters, President of Masters Money Management Inc., to chat with us about personal financial wellness. Mr. Masters is the author of the critically acclaimed book Lessons on Mastering Money: The Personal Finance Guide for Canadians in their 20s and 30s and a contributor for Canadian MoneySaver Magazine.



Learn another language at St. Louis.

For any students who are need of an additional secondary credit, talk to your guidance counsellor today about taking one of our International Languages. Classes begin tomorrow — Saturday mornings — and next week Monday and Wednesday evenings. Languages available for credit include Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese and Polish. Again, speak to your guidance counsellor today!

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”  ~ Flora Lewis


Learn Another Language

Always wanted to learn another language?

International Languages Secondary classes will start soon.

Register online at stlouis.wcdsb.ca//il/secondary/ for one of 6 offered languages:

Portuguese on Monday or Wednesday (Kitchener and Cambridge)

Chinese on Saturday (Resurrection CSS)

Arabic, Japanese, Polish and Spanish on Wednesday (Kitchener Main)


Special Message from Director of Education Tyrone Dowling

Dear Waterloo Catholic Families,  

We are excited to be welcoming you and your family back for the start of the 2022-23 school year. We offer a special welcome to all families joining us for the first time this year. We hope that all of you had a great summer and are looking forward to the new opportunities this year will bring.

If you need information about registering for school, please CLICK HERE .

We look forward to joining with you this year in the name of Catholic education to support the academic success and faith formation of all of our students.  We are thankful for the opportunity to work together with you to provide the very best educational opportunity possible for your child and family.   

I am writing to you today to provide important information to assist with your planning as we approach our first day of school next Tuesday, September 6, 2022. 

COVID Health and Safety Protocols

On August 5, the Ministry of Education released the Health and Safety protocols for the start of the school year.  Most protocols and guidelines remain unchanged to those that were in place at the end of June. We continue to work with our local public health officials to ensure we are aligned with the most up-to-date guidance and hope to minimize any potential disruptions to learning throughout this school year.  

The following is a summary of what you can expect in September:  

Ventilation – Over the past several years, significant upgrades have been made in school ventilation systems to support a healthy learning environment.  Our custodial and maintenance staff have been working throughout the summer to ensure our schools are safe, clean and that the ventilation systems have been inspected and properly maintained to welcome staff and students back. UV or combination UV/HEPA filtration units will continue to be present in all classrooms and learning spaces throughout this school year. 

Daily Screening – Staff and students are asked to continue to screen each morning before school using the COVID-19 school screening (ontario.ca) resource, and stay home when feeling unwell or exhibiting symptoms.  We ask that screening become part of your personal daily routines.  The daily screening requirements and related guidance may change throughout the year and notification of any changes will be communicated to our community.    

Masking – Continuing with the protocols in place in June – and based on the advice of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health – masks will remain optional for students, staff and visitors in schools, and on student transportation.  We continue to support a mask-friendly environment in our schools and workplaces and recognize there are times when staff or students may need to wear masks in alignment with provincial or federal guidance or may choose to wear masks if there is a high incidence of illness in our community. Masks will continue to be available upon request to staff and students in the 2022-23 school year.  

Rapid Antigen Tests – Rapid Antigen Test kits will continue to be available to staff and students in schools as needed.     

For more information about school start-up routines, please watch for updates from your school this week.   

Thank you for your ongoing support of Catholic Education.  We look forward with anticipation to the new opportunities this year will bring.

I wish you all the best as we begin this school year in the coming week.


Tyrone Dowling

Director of Education


Term 1 Secondary Credit Courses begin daily classes face-to-face Wed., September 7.

Register NOW! and earn a credit in less than 8 weeks.


IMPORTANT St. Louis Start-up Dates 2022

IMPORTANT St. Louis Start-up Dates 2022

Here are some St. Louis start-up highlights:

  • Term 1 Secondary Credit Courses begin daily classes face-to-face Wednesday, September 7Register online starting Aug 29 and earn a credit in less than 8 weeks.
  • Self-directed online courses begin Monday, September 12 with options to earn credits around your schedule. Register online starting Aug 29 Certified teacher tutor support available in-person.
  • International Languages Secondary School Credit courses are part of the above credit course registration process.  Register online starting Aug 29 for Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish classes.
  • Licensed Child Care is available onsite to support St. Louis students.  Registration will begin on September 6.
  • A NEW cohort of PSW and Hairstyling students begin in September.  St. Louis has small class sizes that will allow for in-person learning and skills development.
  • Core Essentials will be offered in-person in small class sizes beginning September 12.
  • ESL may be offered in-person and online morning, afternoon, evening and Saturdays this Fall starting on September 12. Online Registration is open now.
  • LINC will be offered in-person morning and afternoon and classes start September 12. Online Registration is open now.
  • Children’s language programs will start on Saturday, September 24 or Monday, September 26. Online Registration is open now.

Bring Your Own Device and Purchase Program

The following information is to help families learn about our Bring Your Own Device and Purchase Program.

Partnership with STAPLES and Dell for Learning devices

WCDSB has made significant investments to ensure our students and staff have access to a variety current technologies. The use of technology to support learning remains a key priority to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to flourish in an increasingly digital world. Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks have proven to be versatile, reliable, and affordable digital tool in the classroom.

As students have engaged more with the technology that is available in their classrooms, many families have expressed interest in purchasing a device for their child to use at school and at home. WCDSB families have reached out, seeking advice about which technology would best support their child’s learning, is reasonably priced, yet durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of daily use as it’s transported back and forth to school each day.

Devices for Families in Need

Free learning device/computer offerings for low income families:

Visit our web site to learn more about the programs and devices that available for purchase through STAPLES and Dell.


Plan for Re-opening Schools

Plan for Re-opening Schools: Message from the Director of Education

Dear Waterloo Catholic Community –

We hope that you are well and finding ways to enjoy the summer, albeit a very different one.  At Waterloo Catholic we have missed seeing our staff and students in our schools – and we think that you would agree.  We also know however, that all of us feel very strongly that if we are to return to our schools, we have to do so in a very safe and thoughtful manner.  In the attached package, you will find a high-level introduction to all of the factors that we have been considering as we plan for the return of students.  We know that we all want good learning to happen, but we are equally motivated to ensure that all our staff and students are feeling both safe and healthy, in mind, body and spirit.

There are some discussions that are ongoing and which may cause minor adjustments to our models or plans, but in the main, the attached document should give you a solid start in understanding our plans for the fall.  Our new collective reality under COVID has tested all of us, and we know that things are evolving daily and understanding about best practices and the disease itself also continues to grow.  Our commitment is to be informed by new knowledge and learning as it is presented.

In June we outlined that there were three possible scenarios under which a return to school might happen, and yesterday the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Education declared that all students of the province would be returning to schools for face to face learning.    The provincial decision has been informed by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, as well as the leading medical and health experts in the province.  At Waterloo Catholic we have been preparing for this announcement and have engaged in thoughtful planning to ensure that health and safety of our staff and students remains a top priority.  We are also prepared to “pivot” to any of the three scenarios, if we have to and remain confident that learning continuity will be possible.

We know that for elementary aged students the provincial announcement signaled a “conventional return”, which means attending school 5 days a week, full time.  To the extent possible, “cohorting” will be observed, which means that every effort will be made to limit the number of contacts any one staff person or student comes into contact with, in the course of their day.  Similarly – masks will be worn by students in grades 4 to 8, and remain an option for students in JK to grade 3, and to the extent possible physical distancing of 1 meter will be observed.

For secondary aged students, the province has indicated that all Waterloo Region schools will open under an “adapted return”, which means that students will attend face to face classes 50% of the time.  Waterloo Catholic has committed to a “quadmester model” which means carrying only 2 courses at a time (it is a 4 term model instead of a 2 semester model).  We have devised a model where students only see one cohort of students face to face on a given day, and access their second class remotely – from home.  We have built this model to ensure both 300 minutes of instruction per week, while still giving maximum consideration to the health and safety of our staff and students.  The attached document will provide you with more information.  https://www.wcdsb.ca/plan-for-re-opening-schools/

It is currently the end of July and we are all heading into a long weekend.  We still have five full weeks until the start of school and our planning will continue – at the board level and at the school level.  We want to offer our assurances that we will be prioritizing health and safety, learning continuity and equity of access for all our students.  Nonetheless, for some of our families, you may choose to have your child learn from home.  That is an option for you.  Please read the attached document carefully and then complete the survey that follows.  We need EVERY family to complete the survey for EACH child, as that is how we will prepare properly for the fall.  Please complete this SURVEY

Finally – as we have said before, we do encourage you to closely follow any and all directives from our governments and Region of Waterloo Public Health.  This has been a year and a summer unlike any other – and one we will all remember for some time to come.  Continue to enjoy a restful and rejuvenating summer, but let’s stay safe and healthy.  May our faith that grounds us as people of love and people of hope give you strength in these times.  We remain grateful for your trust in us to provide quality, faith-based, inclusive education.

Please reach out to us if you need help or guidance, and remain confident that we are here to support you, as we walk together as a hope-filled community.  #WCDSBTogether.


Loretta Notten

Director of Education

St. Louis Graduates the Class of 2019

Congratulations Graduates!

On Friday, November 15 we all experienced the power of our students’ remarkable achievements.  It was a great night and the pride on the faces of the graduates and their families was amazing!  Our 437 graduates received their long-awaited Ontario Secondary School Diploma, 21 Culinary Arts program graduates and 61 Hairstyling and Barber program graduates received their Certificates.  We wish all graduates the best of luck and blessings as they enter the next chapter of their stories.  This coming Friday, November 22 there will be PSW graduation and 85 St. Louis trained Personal Support Workers will earn their Certificates. We look forward to another wonderful evening of celebration!


International Languages Elementary Program annual PD Day – Sat., Nov 16

The Waterloo Catholic District School Board’s International Languages – Elementary Program, hosted by St. Louis Adult Learning and Continuing Education, has made a solemn commitment to the Professional Development of over 100 language instructors. By dedicating one day each year, all language instructors will assemble to learn and share best practices.

This Saturday morning, November 16th, will mark the 15th consecutive year that all language school teachers come together to share the common elements of effective language learning. By devoting this time for professional development, there will be NO language classes offered to students this Saturday at any of the five locations. (Note: Monday and Wednesday evening classes are still scheduled for next week.)