Term 1 Secondary Credit Courses begin daily classes face-to-face Wednesday, September 7. Register online starting Aug 29 and earn a credit in less than 8 weeks.
International Languages Secondary School Credit courses are part of the above credit course registration process. Register onlinestarting Aug 29 for Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish classes.
Licensed Child Care is available onsite to support St. Louis students. Registration will begin on September 6.
A NEW cohort of PSW andHairstyling students begin in September. St. Louis has small class sizes that will allow for in-person learning and skills development.
Core Essentials will be offered in-person in small class sizes beginning September 12.
ESLmay be offered in-person and online morning, afternoon, evening and Saturdays this Fall starting on September 12. Online Registration is open now.
LINC will be offered in-person morning and afternoon and classes start September 12. Online Registration is open now.