Earn your First High School Credit this Summer!
Grade 9 Summer Credit Course offerings being announced by March 1st.
Registration will OPEN TUESDAY, March 18.
Grade 9 Summer Credit course offerings offer a unique opportunity for WCDSB Grade 8 students entering a WCDSB Catholic Secondary School in Fall 2025 to earn their FIRST high school credit!
Gr. 9 Course Offerings
Course Grade 9 Summer 2025 Course Offerings are TO BE DETERMINED
Last year, there were FOUR, in-person, Grade 9 Technological Education – summer credit courses available and ONE, online only, Grade 9 Individual and Family Living credit course offering available. We are hoping to offer the same, and are working out the logistics. See below for course descriptions and read carefully as you may enrol in ONLY ONE credit course in Summer 2025. You may not register for more than one summer program offered in July.
ONLINE Monday to Friday
HIF1OE: Individual and Family Living
The Individual and Family Living is a Grade 9 credit course and ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE. Students move through the program individually. There is no in-person teaching or digital class time for this course, however teachers will have daily office hours to support students with their work. Like all summer credit classes offered in summer, students are required to
- Login to their courses each day for 6 hours each day (no exceptions)
- Login Information for online courses will be emailed to the students one week prior to the start of the course.
- Students can access the Student Information Sheet and Guidelines for Online Learning
- Final exams / culminating activities are online on the date indicated in the course schedule.
The HIF 1O Individual and Family Living course has been designed to ease the transition for students leaving elementary and transitioning to high school. The units within the course will touch on learning expectations in each of the compulsory courses that a typical grade nine student would take in their first year of high school, giving them increased confidence regarding their achievement goals for the school year. The course will cover key learning expectations in numeracy and literacy and will help students develop learning strategies that will aid them as they progress through high school.
Open to Current WCDSB Grade 8 students entering Grade 9 at a Waterloo Catholic Secondary School.
Course assignments will make up 70% of a student’s overall grade. The culminating activity will make up the remaining 30%.
Dates and Times ONLINE
July 2 to July 28, 2025
(no programming on Tuesday, July 1- Canada Day)
Since HIF1OE is a FULL Credit eLearning (online) course, students are expected to login to their courses each day for 6 hours each day (no exceptions). Vacation plans and other summer activities should be scheduled outside of these summer school dates.
Teachers will have office hours so they are available to students.
Final exams / culminating activities are online on the date indicated in the course schedule
*All courses are subject to enrollment. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment. Registration may close early if classes are full. Don’t be disappointed. Register EARLY! (*Program changes may occur due to unforeseen circumstances or programming needs.)
In-Person Monday-Thursday / Asynchronous Fridays
These FOUR hands-on courses enable students to develop technological knowledge and skills. Students will safely work with and create products and/or services, working with tools and technologies from the specific industries the course focuses on. As students develop their projects to address real-life applications, they will apply technological concepts such as precision measurement, as well as health and safety standards. Students will begin to explore job skills programs and education and training pathways, including skilled trades, that can lead to a variety of careers.
TDJ1OI – Exploring Technological Design/ Engineering – REGISTRATION OPENS March 18th
The Exploring Technological Design / Engineering Grade 9 credit course involves applying design processes to technological and engineering challenges. It includes project research, design creation, model/prototype building, and product/process assessment. It also covers environmental and societal issues in engineering and technological design, and explores education and career paths in these fields.
TFJ1OI – Exploring Hospitality and Tourism – REGISTRATION OPENS March 18th
The Exploring Hospitality and Tourism Grade 9 credit course explores the hospitality and tourism sectors, focusing on food service. It includes study of food handling and preparation, safety standards, tool usage, food origins and event planning. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues and explores career pathways in the industry.
TGJ1OI – Exploring Communication Technology – REGISTRATION OPENS March 18th
The Exploring Communication Technology Grade 9 credit course covers communications technology with a media focus. It includes work in video, print, photography, and interactive new media. Projects may involve creating videos, editing photos, audio work, animations, and web design. It also addresses environmental and societal issues related to communication technology and explores education/career paths in the field.
TXJ1OI – Exploring Hairstyling and Aesthetics – REGISTRATION OPENS March 18th
The Exploring Hairstyling and Aesthetics Grade 9 credit course presents hairstyling and aesthetic techniques from a salon/spa perspective. Using materials, processes, and techniques used in the industry, students learn fundamental skills in hairstyling, aesthetics, and providing hair analyses and treatments. Students will also consider related environmental and societal issues, and will explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the field of hairstyling and aesthetics.
Dates, Times, Locations
July 2 to July 28, 2025
(no programming on Tuesday. July 1- Canada Day)
Monday to Thursday: 8:30am -3:00pm / Fridays: asynchronous* – 6 hours each day (no exceptions). Vacation plans and other summer activities should be scheduled outside of these summer school dates.