Nov 16, 2022
Dear St. Louis Students, Parents and Guardians and Community Partners,
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board received notice that Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) could potentially withdraw services again starting on Monday, November 21, 2022, if an agreement is not reached this week with the Ontario Government.
If the CUPE job action happens, All CLASSES at all St. Louis locations will remain OPEN as per our usual schedule for currently registered students. OFFICES will be CLOSED.
No CUPE staff will be working on site. There will be no new registrations to any programs nor will other services. If there is picketing near the school, we ask for your patience and care as you come onto school property.
To St. Louis students who are also parents of children who attend our Catholic Elementary and Catholic Secondary Schools: All Elementary & Secondary Schools in the Catholic Board will be CLOSED to in-person attendance, and they will move directly to synchronous remote learning. Please arrange alternate care for your children, if you are able, so you may continue to attend your St. Louis classes.
To St. Louis students who have children attending Public Board Elementary and Secondary schools: Please continue to attend classes you are enrolled in. You are not directly affected by this potential labour disruption because the Public Board schools will be open.
For Updates: Please check the St. Louis website for the most up to date information regarding St. Louis programming. Or follow StLouisALC on Facebook / @StLouisWCDSB on Twitter.
For information about possible school closures of Catholic Elementary & Catholic Secondary schools: Please visit