Friday, Nov 8, 2024
Tonight marks the first of two St. Louis graduation ceremonies for the class of 2023-2024. And a St. Louis graduation brings its own kind of inspiration with many stories of resilience woven throughout.
Class of 2024
An astounding 361 Ontario Secondary School Diplomas will be officially conferred and an additional 66 Hairstyling, Barbering and Culinary Certificates will be presented. Every student in attendance will have their moment to shine and celebrate this milestone with their peers, family, friends and the school community.
We will also acknowledge some exceptional achievements by presenting 3 awards for student excellence – to students who are bound for university, college or the world of work. The loyal support we receive each year from the Canadian Federation for University Women – Kitchener Waterloo allows us to also celebrate the memory of Hildegard Marsden and the accomplishments of 2 more graduands who will be acknowledged for their achievements and pursuit of post-secondary education. One of these recipients, Kira DeGraaf, is also our Valedictorian.
Several years ago, St. Louis staff came together to create an award that spotlighted 1 or 2 students for their determination and hard work. This tradition will carry on again this year.
These traditions and this spirit of determination has ignited others to establish legacy tributes as well.
New Awards
The Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region will be presenting an inaugural award that recognizes 5 St. Louis students who have demonstrated the pinnacle of resilience. Also, for the first time, we will be honouring the accomplishments of an Indigenous student in memory of former WCDSB staff, Melissa Resmer.
The recurring theme of St. Louis graduation ceremonies is resilience.
Resilience. It’s a word that captures the essence of the human spirit when we are faced with adversity, challenges or obstacles in life. Our path is rarely fast, smooth, or straight and there are numerous ways that resilience is reflected. For each St. Louis student, their educational journey will look different, as is the story that brought them to this milestone occasion.
Next time you think of someone with resilience, be reminded that they are doing more than ‘fighting to survive’. They could be that person making conscious choices and taking action, with such intense focus, sometimes slow and steady, flowing through change, yet never giving up. They probably show grit, commitment, practice, patience and repetition. Along the way, they develop perspective and pursue continuous growth, sometimes reaching out to others, often paying it forward and helping others. While facing fears head on, often one step at a time, they also realize that to get out of survival mode and become “resilient”, they simply must include time for self-care, be calm and carry on.
The product of resilience is having joy-filled moments like graduation, filled with gratitude to those who helped you along the way. Congratulations to all graduates!
Stay Tuned
Watch for another St. Louis Newswire to learn about next week’s PSW graduation ceremony and the impact the program has had on the lives of PSW students and others in our community.