Admission Requirements

Age Requirements:

  • For St. Louis Hairstyling Program Classes, students must be 18 years of age or older on the first day that classes begin and NOT in full-time attendance in a Secondary School. Under 18 will be considered if OSSD already achieved.

ID Requirements:

  1. Proof of Status in Canada (any of the following):
    • Permanent Resident Card
    • Refugee Papers and Photo ID
    • Status Card and Photo ID
    • Canadian Birth Certificate and Photo ID
    • Canadian Citizenship Card or Certificate and Photo ID
    • Canadian Passport
  2. Photo ID (to accompany any documents listed above without a photo, we cannot accept a Health Card)
  3. High School Transcript, Graduation Credit Summary, or Canadian Language Benchmarks
  4. Proof of Current Mailing AddressWe cannot accept a Driver’s License or Cellphone Bill, but we can accept any of the following:
    • Utility Bill (Water, Gas, or Electricity)
    • Property Tax Bill
    • Home Phone/Internet/ Cable Bill
    • Purchase/ Rental/ Lease Agreement
    • Bank Document
    • Report Card

Language Requirements

  • Students who wish to earn secondary school credits and previously attended or are currently attending ESL/LINC classes must provide verification of Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 6 in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.   If English is not your first language, please bring your CLB assessment documents from class or from the YMCA Language Assessment Centre to the Hairstyling Intake.

Current High School Students

  • Students who attended regular high school in the last year must have a Principal to Principal Transfer Request Form sent to St. Louis prior to registration.  Ask your current high school Guidance Counsellor to initiate this transfer request form.

Minimum Credits

  • All students must have completed a minimum of 16 secondary school credits prior to enrolling in the St. Louis Hairstyling Program.

Be available

  • Be willing to work flexible hours in work placements with one of our salon partners.

STEPS to complete additional admission requirements:

STEP 1: Completed Pre-Registration Form Required

  • Complete Hairstyling Pre-registration form.  (Only students who complete this pre-registration form will be considered), Click on the ORANGE Register NOW button to complete this step.

STEP 2: Literacy Assessment & Interview

  • All students who complete the pre-registration form will have the opportunity to write a literacy test in-person at St. Louis Kitchener Main Campus. If English is not your first language, please bring your CLB assessment documents to intake
  • Successful students will then be interviewed during the intake session by one of our staff.
  • Attending a Hairstyling Intake does not guarantee a spot in the program.
  • Due to program space limitations, students who complete a successful intake may need to be placed on a waiting list.
  • If you have not completed your OSSD, or completed your education outside of Ontario, please complete a Guidance Intake Form to arrange a meeting with Guidance.  Guidance will let you know if the 6 elective credits that can be earned during this Hairstyling program will help you complete all your Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements (including 40 hours of community activities).

STEP 3: Conditional Acceptance:

  • Provide proof of status in Canada and photo identification (as listed above) is required prior to acceptance. Refugee Claimants and International Students require a study permit as a condition of acceptance, and all documentation provided prior to acceptance.

STEP 5: Upon acceptance into the program, the requirements below must be also provided in a timely manner:

  • High School Transcript, Graduation Credit Summary from the last high school or Adult and Continuing Education Centre you attended.  If last school was out of country, you must make appointment with Guidance by completing the  Guidance Intake Form.
  • $2000 materials fees paid in full. The St. Louis Hairstyling Program offered in the 2024-2025 school year has always had FREE TUITION for Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and Refugee Claimants accepted into the program.  International Students must pay full tuition (approximately $13,000+).  Course materials fee of $2000 is not covered. A $500 non-refundable deposit is payable at registration to ensure student acceptance. Remaining $1500 final due date for payment will be given at intake session.