Day Classes – Success Stories
You must let Guidance know before Aug 31 that you have completed all your credits from the previous year and that you intend to graduate with us.
Ontario Secondary School Diplomas (OSSD) are issued only once a year. OSSD Graduation has already been celebrated for students completing all credits for an OSSD from Sept 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024. If you missed this event, please contact stlouis@wcdsb.ca to make arrangements to pick up your diploma. NOTE: OSSD’s cannot be mailed.
If you are a current student completing your last few credits, and all of your OSSD Requirements (including your 40 hours of community service), please be sure to complete an Intent to Graduate Form with the Guidance Office. Only current students can complete the Intent to Graduate Form. All others must complete the Guidance Intake Form.
If you are successful in completing all requirements…. CONGRATULATIONS! The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is an important Ministry of Education document that post-secondary institutions and many employers require proof of.