Grade 9 Summer Credit Courses offered through St. Louis are ONLY available to WCDSB students who are also entering a WCDSB Catholic Secondary School
The process for enrolling in Grade 9 Summer Credit courses is SEPARATE from your child’s high school registration process. Verification of enrolment in a Waterloo Catholic Secondary school may be required before acceptance into the summer credit course.
No Prerequisite courses are required.
What is needed before completing your child’s registration:
- Since these Summer credit courses are open to Grade 8 students taking their first Grade 9 summer course, PARENTS must register their children.
- We have a specific registration form to complete as part of enrolment in GRADE 9 summer credit courses, and we will need to have your child’s OEN number (9 digit number found on any progress report)
- If new to WCDSB, Proof of Status in Canada (Birth Certificate, Passport, Canadian Citizenship Card, Permanent Resident Card, Immigration Papers)
- Photo I.D. with mailing address (License, Health Card, Ontario Photo ID Card), and a piece of mail or copy of a bill with your current address if it has recently changed. ID requirements are the same as Service Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/acceptable-identity-documents